Cameron is so special to me. He was my first (and last) boyfriend and has treated me like a princess. Early on in our relationship, my mom told me that she loved the way Cameron looked at me. He would look at me with his big brown eyes and a soft grin. At first, it creeped me out. I would say, “Why are you looking at me? Do I have something on my face?” He would giggle and respond with a simple, “No! Is it a crime to look at my beautiful girlfriend?” Talk about prince charming material! He still looks at me like he did on our first date, and it makes my heart melt every. single. time.
From the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend, I told him this wouldn’t be a typical boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. I wanted to enter our relationship being intentional about the end goal. We agreed that we wanted to be together with the intention of forever, with the intention of marriage. Sure, there were a few times early on, when we were in the honeymoon phase, that we thought it would be a good idea to get married freshman year. Boy, oh boy, were we wrong! I’m so grateful we had people to guide us and help us see that we needed time.
Since our relationship started as being best friends, a lot of the awkwardness was non-existent at the beginning. However, I do remember how awkward it was to hold hands for the first time. (The height difference made that take some getting used to!)
Throughout our relationship, we’ve been on so many adventures. I had the honor of cheering Cameron on every Saturday, along with 150 of our closest friends. Being the girlfriend of a college football player was hard at times, but so worth it. We’re better because of it. We learned how to manage our time and make the most of small amounts of time in between classes and practices.
One of my favorite things that we’ve done every year, for the past 3 years, is go to Christmastown at Busch Gardens. We always went during exam week and loved the escape. We’re both HUGE fans of Christmas, so this is a Christmas-lovers paradise!
Another favorite memory is taking Cameron to his first NFL game. Don’t let the photo at the Redskins stadium fool you, we’re Patriots fans. Somehow we always sit near really rude people, but we make the most out of it and love the experience.
While all of these memories rank high, there’s one that tops them all. In 2017, we rescued our sweet pup Jacket. He is a lab/hound mix, and has the floppiest ears you’ve ever seen! This guy has SO much personality and keeps us laughing constantly. For the first few weeks after Cameron brought Jack home, he was so scared and anxious after being abused in his previous homes. We loved on him so much and now he’s the happiest dog we’ve ever seen!
Cameron and I have both changed so much during our relationship. We’ve grown together, experienced new things together, and have worked hard to build what we have together. We love being together. Whether it was watching a football game, doing homework, or going out to eat (this happened a lot), the activity didn’t matter. It just mattered that we were doing it together.
I’m so thankful that my best friend became my boyfriend.

Check back next week for Part Five!
Read Part One HERE
Read Part Two HERE
Read Part Three HERE
Y’all are so stinking cute!!!