Thank you for considering me for your outsourcing needs! To maintain the highest quality possible, I take on a limited number of new clients per year to make sure that each is given the attention and quality they deserve.
This form is very important as it helps me get a sense of who you are and your photo editing needs. It's my goal to only work with clients that I am a great fit with so my services can truly help them. To be sure we are an excellent fit for each other, please take a moment to tell me more about you and your business.
Do you offer test edits?
Yes! If you're not quite sure you're ready to jump in, I'd love to offer you a Complimentary Trial Run! This includes editing of a catalog up to 100 photos so you can see the power of outsourcing your editing.
Will you edit for non-clients?
Because this is a highly personal process and I'm spending so much time learning my clients' editing style, editing is only available for clients. I want this experience to be the best possible for you. I want to connect with you and build a relationship we can both trust.
Am I allowed to send you presets I use already in my editing?
Absolutely! During your onboarding process, there will be a place to upload any presets you use in your editing workflow. And you're 100% legally allowed to do this as I'm just a subcontractor for your business.
Do I need to send you my RAW files?
Nope! All I'll need is your Lightroom Catalog of Smart Previews. During your onboarding process, you'll receive a PDF of File Export and Import Instructions. It'll walk you through the process of everything step-by-step!